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The idea of beautifying the campus of the Faculty of Arts at Moyzesova 9 and at the same time adding educational elements came from the members of the University Greenspace Council last year at one of their regular meetings.  Together with the BotaniKE civic assocation , we decided to respond to the call of the Slovak Environment Agency and we managed to obtain a grant for the implementation of the University Garden. What is included in it?

The dominant feature of the garden is an environmental-educational walking trail, which was created by turning a grass path trodden by visitors into a real path. The project implementers thereby decided to respect the natural route from the Minerva building to the Socrates building.

 At the same time, educational boards were installed along the trail with information about the vegetation in the area, the project implemented and tips for a more sustainable life. Since there is a very popular university café nearby, we have not forgotten about the need for a place to relax, which is provided by comfortable deck chairs and a wooden swing.

And what kind of garden would it be without flowers? Five raised flower beds have been created through upcycling – one for each faculty (don’t forget to come and take a picture!) and the grassy areas on the site were enlivened by the abundant planting of flowering plants and herbs. The bonus is the establishment of unmowed meadow vegetation on the outskirts of the campus, so that even in the city centre the University Garden can be an oasis for various animal species, especially pollinating insects. Measures like these are vital in these times of green loss and climate change.

We believe that the revitalized space on the campus of the Faculty of Arts at UPJŠ in Košice will become more attractive and welcoming for students and university employees. Will you be coming to take a look?

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