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UPJŠ participated in NAFSA 2023 in Washington

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UPJŠ represented by vice-rector for marketing and public relations Regina Hučková, participated in the 75th anniversary of the NAFSA 2023 international conference and education expo in Washington.

NAFSA is a global non-profit association dedicated to international education and exchange, working to advance education policies and practices.
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At the turn of May and June, the annual annual conference was held, which was attended by representatives from the academic environment and other actors from higher education, and which represents an ideal space for establishing new contacts and deepening existing relationships. 

The participation of a delegation of Slovak universities at the event was organized by the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports in cooperation with the Slovak Embassy in the USA, and it was the first national presentation of Slovak higher education at this event. The presentation of Slovak universities was part of the project “Promotion of Slovak higher education and science abroad” (Strategy for the Internationalization of Higher Education until 2030 and the Renewal Plan, Component 10, Investment 4). 

Participation in this and similar events is very important in terms of the international reputation of our university, establishing new contacts and deepening existing ones. Our university was presented to several national university representatives, key research topics and study opportunities in a foreign language were presented. vice-rector Regina Hučková commented on the significance of the event. 

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