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UPJŠ organized a Christmas fundraiser for people in need

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On 18 December 2024, the management of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice handed more than 300 kilograms of groceries to Petr Gombita, the director of Oáza – Nádej pre nový život non-profit organization, for its residents in Bernátovce. The collection took place throughout November and December at 17 collection points at the faculties and departments of the University.

We announced the Christmas collection of non-perishable groceries at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik. starting on 22 November 2024. We have collected many non-perishable food items, cosmetics, toys or other gifts from our employees, students and other volunteers to donate to the residents of Oasis and to make the Christmas season more pleasant for them. Even though we had to end the collection early on 6 December due to security measures after receiving threatening emails, we managed to collect a satisfactory amount of groceries and other donations. Our staff and students proved once again that they are not indifferent to the fate of others and are willing to help those most in need.The collected items were officially handed over on behalf of UPJŠ by the Vice-Rector for Academic Qualifications and Doctoral Studies prof. MVDr. Monika Halánová, PhD. “Pavol Jozef Šafárik University has a long record of helping those in need. I believe it should be the role of every university and any large organization for those who have an abundance now to help those who are in need. The collection was planned to be of longer duration, but as the university was facing bomb threats, we were forced to end it early with immediate effect in accordance to security measures. The expectations we had after previous experiences were therefore not fully met, but we still managed to collect 21 boxes full of non-perishable groceries, sweets and toys for the children, for which we owe a huge thank you to all the staff and students of UPJS who participated.” 

The University staff and students contributed 57 kilograms of pasta, nearly 30 kilograms of rice, 42 kilograms of flour, 20 kilograms of granulated sugar, 12 kilograms of table salt, 43 liters of vegetable oil, 15 liters of shelf-stable milk, nearly 150 cans and preserves and other food items. Thanks to the collection, the Christmas table in Bernátovce will have no shortage of dried fruit, honey, tea or coffee and sweet pastries from the donated baking ingredients. In addition to food, cosmetic and hygiene items, the collection included children’s books, board games and toys for children. “I am very pleased that we were able to establish closer cooperation with the university. The fact that we don’t leave each other helpless is a certainty, the love, the good in people, that alongside their own worries at work and studies, people think of those who are worse off, weaker, suffering from lack of food or having nowhere to live. From my experience I can say that selfless help to others makes for a nicer and better life not only for those to whom the help is given, but also for those who have given help. The goal of helping others is not only to feed the stomachs of those who are in need, but also the souls and hearts of all of us so we can all be happy and content. It is the Christmas season that encourages people to
do something for others,” concluded the director of Oáza, Roman Catholic priest Mgr. Peter Gombita, who received the donations at the university. Approximately 350 people currently reside in Oáza. They acquire food from several sources, such as their own farm, supermarket chains and sponsors. Thanks to these donations, they are able to provide food for the residents of the Oáza throughout the year.

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