On Thursday, 28 March 2024, the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice handed over approximately 500 kilograms of long-lasting food to the director of the non-profit organization Oasis – Hope for a New Life, Petr Gombita, intended for the residents of the organization in Bernátovce. The collection took place from 11 to 25 March 2024 at 17 collection points at the faculties and other parts of the University. During two weeks we collected approximately 500 kilograms of durable food such as rice, flour, pasta, spices, preserves, flavourings, coffee, tea, packaged beverages and other edibles. On Wednesday, 27 March 2024, the collection of fresh typically Easter foods such as eggs, cold cuts and cheese was underway and required placement in a refrigerated facility.

On behalf of UPJŠ in Košice, the collected food was officially handed over by the Vice-Rector for Academic Qualifications and Doctoral Studies professor Monika Halánová who said, “We have organized this collection because of the constant increase in the number of people who are homeless and face existential problems. We are very happy that we could donate the collected food to a facility near Košice, where help is provided to people in need. The Easter season is a good time to help and make the holidays more enjoyable for those who need it most. Many employees as well as students took part in the Easter collection. We collected long-lasting and fresh food, as well as sweets, especially for the children in the Oasis. We will be very happy if the cooperation with the non-profit organization in Bernátovce will continue, and we already have a few more ideas on how we can help.”