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UPJŠ Management welcomed the Director of EIT Digital Region East

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Tuan Trinh, Director of the EIT Digital Region East, visited Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. He learned about the projects and activities of UPJŠ in the field of education, science and research in informatics and toured the laboratories of the Institute of Informatics, UPJŠ Faculty of Science, and UVP Technicom at UPJŠ. He was particularly interested in Hack Košice 2023, the DAM seminar and other activities aimed at students.

With Pavol Miroššay, member of the Košice IT Valley Board of Directors, and Gabriel Semanišin, Vice-Rector for Informatization and Quality Management, they discussed tools that can make the study of informatics at UPJŠ more attractive and prevent the outflow of talented students. During the meeting with the representatives of EDIH Cassovium, of which UPJŠ is a partner, he discussed with the members of the project board the cooperation within the pan-European network.

At the end of the visit he had a meeting with Rector Pavol Sovák, Vice-Rector Gabriel Semanišin and Dean of the Faculty of Science Roman Soták. The meeting was also attended by the Director of the Innovation Centre of the Košice Region, Peter Breyl. The discussion focused mainly on the cooperation of UPJŠ with EIT Digital within various types of support schemes.

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