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The President of the Slovak Republic appointed five new professors from UPJŠ

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On Wednesday 28 August 2024, the President of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini appointed 21 new university professors, including our colleagues.

During his address to the newly appointed professors in the representative premises of the Bratislava Castle, President Pellegrini pointed out the complex nature of the title of professor, which expresses not only a high level of professional skills, but also represents moral and human qualities, which together create the overall profile of the personality bearing this title.
The President said that all the new professors are united by a common denominator, which is their mission to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next generation. “The results of your work, as well as the impact of your authority, are significant for the whole of society – both professional and lay,” he added. He also pointed to the illusion of equality of opinion in the online space, noting that it is no longer just opinions or different points of view on the same thing that are discussed, but also scientific and verified facts.

According to the Head of the State, the future favours a knowledge-based economy, high value-added industries, the use of artificial intelligence and other modern phenomena, which he described as new challenges. “Education, the skills of our people and their professional expertise are one of the most valuable strategic resources Slovakia has today. It is your common task to support and develop this asset in every possible way,” the President said, adding that it is university professors who have the opportunity to advance society and make it more professional, educated and, ultimately, better.

Five professors from UPJŠ in Košice received their appointment decrees from the President:

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