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Student associations presented their activities at a meeting with Vice-Rector Elbert

2minút, 25sekúnd

The Vice-Rector for Undergraduate and Lifelong Learning, JUDr. Ľudmila Elbert, PhD., University Associate Professor, invited members of student associations to a meeting on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 10.30 a.m. in the Small Congress Centre in the Sokrates building on the campus of the UPJS Faculty of Arts. The aim of the meeting was to present the activities of each association and the possibility of cooperation in organizing other professional and leisure events for students of the University.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice-Rector Elbert welcomed the students to the meeting and invited them to present their associations.

The following student associations and student media were present:

Student Parliament, Faculty of Public Administration, UPJŠ in Košice
UNIVERSITAS – association of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice
Student Council, Faculty of Science, UPJŠ in Košice
Res Publica civic association – Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice
RE:PUB – student professional online journal, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ v Košice
Erasmus Student Network Košice
Slovak Association of Students and Graduates of Psychology (SAŠAP)
Student Council, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice
Košice Association of Medical Students (SMMK)
Slovak Association of Dental Students
Uni TV UPJŠ – university television 
Student Radio Košice (ŠtuRKo)
Univerzál – student magazine, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice
ELSA Košice – The European Law Student´s Association

The invitation was also accepted by the members of the student part of the Academic Senate of UPJŠ in Košice. After the presentation of the associations, the Vice-Rector informed about the planned financial support of the associations. Within the framework of the call for support of activities for the benefit of UPJŠ in Košice and its students issued by the Rector of UPJŠ in December last year, all submitted applications were approved. “Student associations at our university are really active in various areas, both in outreach and popularization activities towards the students of the university, as well as the general public, or organizational and promotional activities at a wide range of university events. It is in the interest of the university senior management to support these activities and the associations themselves in their development, as they contribute significantly to the promotion of the student community at the university,” said the Vice-Rector Ľudmila Elbert.

The meeting was also attended by the Marketing and Communication Manager at UPJŠ, RNDr. Jaroslava Oravcová, PhD., who informed the students about the planned marketing activities of the University, in which the participation of the associations is welcome. At the end of the meeting, the Vice-Rector invited the students to a planned discussion to be held on March 6, 2024, at 6 p.m. in the CAM club, Medická 4 in Košice, in order to discuss the students’ conditions during their studies at the university and the potential problems they encounter.  Admission is free for all UPJŠ students.

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