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The senior management of UPJŠ in Košice expresses its solidarity with all residents of the State of Israel

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The academic community of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice expresses its deep concern and strongly condemns the military aggression in the Middle East.

We assure our students from Israel that we are open to an immediate dialogue towards helping and mitigating the impact of the military conflict on their studies. UPJS provides a neutral environment for all its students and staff, firmly rejecting any expressions of intolerance or violence. It strongly encourages and calls for support of activities leading to mutual solidarity and support. At the same time, we call for respect of peace as one of the most important values, for respect of the principles of democracy and for ensuring the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms in the State of Israel.

The university leadership, along with the faculties’ senior executives, will intensively discuss practical forms of assistance to our students.

If necessary, students are encouraged to contact the faculties’ study departments which will then suggest a possible course of action.

Study at UPJŠ