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Rector Pavol Sovák met with employees of UPJŠ university departments

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On the occasion of ending his second term as Rector of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Rector Pavol Sovák met with employees of the Rector’s Office and university departments on July 12 and 13, 2023.

The Rector expressed his sincere gratitude to the employees of individual departments for years of fruitful cooperation, especially during his tenure as Rector of the University. “Thank you for your contribution to the overall positive public image of our university. I highly appreciate your loyalty, professional approach and correct working relations. The work results that we have achieved during many years of our cooperation have gained a high reputation not only in the Košice region, but also in the national and international context. Synergy of the efforts of faculties and university departments towards quality education and scientific research has been my long-term priority and I am grateful to you for accepting this path. Working with you has been very stimulating for me and has been a source of new inspirations and lessons learned,” said the Rector among other things.

The outgoing Rector of UPJŠ, prof. RNDr. Pavol Sovák, CSc., has been leading the university since 2015. He was elected in two consecutive terms, his first term of office ran from 2015 to 2019 and the second from 2019 to August 21, 2023. Prior to his first election and appointment as Rector, he served as Vice-Rector for Higher Education and Information Technology. From 2003 to 2011 he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Science at UPJŠ. During his tenure as Rector, the University strengthened its position in the EHEA and ERA, it is one of the best Slovak universities from the perspective of international ranking agencies and thanks to several important investment projects it has significantly improved its scientific research and technical infrastructure. Rector Pavol Sovák is one of the protagonists of university integration, linking universities with industry and the city’s local government as well as the Košice Self-Governing Region in a joint effort to stop the brain drain from the region.

Thank you, Mr. Rector, and we wish you much success in your professional and personal life in the coming years!

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