It has been the third time our university was present at international fair of education in Cracow during the days 26th – 28th of March. The title of the fair was “Targi Edukacyjne – Festiwal Zawodów w Małopolsce” and it is one of the biggest fairs in Poland. Almost 200 exhibitors were presenting their education offer on the 3000 square metres. Number of visitors was around 15000 people. We have been pleased by the meeting with our colleagues Mr. Marszałek Województwa Małopolskiego Mr. Marek Sowa and the consul general of SR in Cracow Mr. Ivan Škorupa.
There have been representatives of universities from Japan, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and also from United Kingdom. Colleagues from Poland were interested in our study offer for their students and also in co-operation with our Alma Mater. Together with colleagues from Iğdır University, Turkey and Ochanomizu University, Japan we have made the first step in our mutual contact. One can say the fair was on a high professional level and our university is getting better known for avid Polish students.
We would like to express our gratitude towards doc. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD. our vice-rector for organisation and methodical coordination, to Ing. Zuzana Kratyinová for participation and representation of our university and also to Mrs. Renáta Lišková from the department of propagation and marketing.