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Summer semester of the Academic year – actual information

Following the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, and reflecting on the specificities and requirements of the teaching process of our university, the management of UPJŠ in Košice has decided about the start of the teaching process of the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021. At … Continued
26. August 2020

Encouraging placement of UPJŠ in the QS 2021 ranking

This year’s QS World University Rankings evaluating the reputation of universities in academia and among employers, the number of citations in leading Scopus and Elsevier databases, the number of students per academic staff, the share of foreign guests and students, also evaluated Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice for the first time. As a part … Continued
15. June 2020

UPJŠ has taken an important step to increase the success of researchers in European project schemes

In 2016, the European Research Council (ERC) launched an initiative called “Fellowships to Visit the ERC Grantee“. It aims to encourage the participation and increase the success of researchers from those EU countries that are significantly under-represented in ERC calls. The ERC has recommended that national and / or regional authorities and organizations set up … Continued
3. June 2020

COVID-19 Multi-Country Student Well-being Study

A consortium of universities from 25 countries including the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, represented by the Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health at the Faculty of Arts, is currently carrying out data collection among university students as part the COVID-19 Multi-Country Student Well-being Study. The coordinating institution of this study … Continued
6. May 2020

Does coronavirus also affect our mental health?

In the context of the current situation regarding the spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus, we have daily reports of new cases confirmed, deaths, measures taken or empty shelves in stores. It is not easy to keep calm, as proven by many examples of irrational reactions and human behavior. In times of pandemics, we are … Continued

Rectors of universities in Košice had negotiated

A work meeting of rectors of public universities in Košice took place at the Technical University of Košice on Wednesday 25 March 2020 in the morning hours. The initiative for this meeting was to seek coordinated action by universities to address the difficult situation following the introduction of measures to prevent the spread of the … Continued
31. March 2020

Study at UPJŠ