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Get to know your future faculty at UPJŠ!

Dear high school students,   In February, you will have a unique opportunity to get to know our university even better. We already presented basic information about the university and what we offer to our students at the end of October last year at the University Open Day.   This time you will be able to see … Continued
24. January 2023

AiS2 Project Steering Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the AiS2 Steering Board will take place on 9-10.2.2023 at the UVZ Danišovce. The academic information system AiS2 is a software product that fulfils the requirements according to Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and the provisions on the student registry, and assists universities in all processes related to the … Continued


Joint conference of Cassovia New Industry Cluster and Košice Regional Chamber of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry took place on October 12, 2022. The conference brought together top-notch experts in medicine and pharmacy, materials of the future, and biomedical technologies with the private sector representatives. The aim of the “Competitiveness and technology transfer” … Continued
19. October 2022

Towards the implementation of the third-generation research university model – innovation capacity building at Central and Eastern European universities

On the 27 April 2022, the leadership of five European universities met at the EIT Digital Budapest Co-Location Centre on the Campus of Eötvös Loránd University as part of one of the pilot projects launched within the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) HEI Initiative to unlock the innovation potential of higher education institutions. … Continued
23. May 2022

UPJŠ has become a partner of EIT Digital

The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice has become an external partner of EIT Digital and is organizationally integrated into the Budapest node. EIT Digital was established in 2010 as one of the first EIT KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Communities) and has gradually become the largest digital innovation ecosystem in Europe focused on digital entrepreneurship, … Continued
20. April 2022

QS World University Rankings: EECA Region 2022

    The current results of the QS World University Rankings: EECA Region 2022 pointed to a significant shift in the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, which improved by 20 places compared to last year’s position and took an excellent 126th position. QS EECA University Rankings has been published since 2014, with assessment methods maintaining key … Continued
11. March 2022

Support for the students/graduates affected by a conflict

At the meeting of the UPJŠ Academic Senate on March 10, 2022, the Supplement no. 5 to the Scholarship Regulations at UPJŠ was approved, in which UPJŠ introduces the provision of financial assistance to students and graduates (no more than 90 days from the proper completion of studies) in the form of social scholarships and … Continued

Stop the military aggression in Ukraine, we support a free and independent Ukraine!

    The UPJŠ academic community expresses its deep concern at the development of the situation in Ukraine and strongly condemns Russia’s military attack on our neighbor.     The right of every independent state to decide its future democratically, without pressure from another country or even military force, must be respected in the 21st century.     We express solidarity … Continued
24. February 2022

Education week at EXPO 2020 in Dubai with UPJŠ

The EXPO 2020 World Exhibition in Dubai, which takes place from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022, offers space for 192 countries to present themselves in the fields of industry, health, agriculture, knowledge, learning, etc. In the United Arab Emirates, leading universities also presented themselves at the Slovak exposition during the thematic week “Knowledge … Continued
11. January 2022

Study at UPJŠ