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The reconstructed and modern classrooms at the UPJŠ Faculty of Law are already in use

The Faculty of Law, University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice, has successfully completed the first stage of construction works in the premises of their building at Kováčská 30 .The renovation of three rooms (LB2P08, LB2P09, LB2P14) involved their architectural and design unification, namely the built-in furniture, colour design and interior elements, while the construction … Continued
22. February 2023

Visit of Deutsche Telekom AG to UPJŠ in Košice

UPJŠ Rector prof. RNDr. Pavol Sovák, CSc. on Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 11 a.m. welcomed a special visit of representatives of the management of Deutsche Telekom AG at the premises of UPJŠ in Košice: Mardia Niehaus, SVP HR Business Partner, Technology & Innovation, Deutsche Telekom AG;Olaf Salm, SVP HR BP GHS, Deutsche Telekom AG;Juraj … Continued

Inaugural meeting of the UPJŠ Board of Trustees

On Tuesday, 7 February 2023, the inaugural meeting of the new Board of Trustees of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ Board of Trustees) took place, at which its members, four nominated by the Minister of Education, and four elected by the Academic Senate of the UPJŠ, elected JUDr. Tomáš Illeš as the … Continued
9. February 2023

UPJŠ participated on the innovation mission in Israel

On 29.1. – 1.2.2023 a innovation mission of representatives of the Slovak start-up ecosystem took place, organized by Košice IT Valley, CIVITTA and SAPIE. More than 40 participants of the mission had the opportunity to visit and attend the Slovakia – The Technology Talent Hub conference. The aim of the mission was to learn about … Continued
3. February 2023

EDIH Cassovium working meeting

On 19 January 2023, a working meeting of the EDIH Casssovium project was held at UVP Technicom to prepare the implementation plan for each work package of the project. The aim of the EDIH Cassovium project is to build a European Digital Innovation Centre operating in the Eastern Slovakia region, which will provide expert services … Continued
27. January 2023

Study at UPJŠ