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Unique flow battery created at UPJŠ represents a breakthrough in energy storage

A long-term research cooperation of the Košice universities – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) and Technical University in Košice (TUKE) – with the Slovak company INO-HUB Energy has resulted in the successful completion of testing and production of a revolutionary flow battery, which will be in production from 2026. Representatives of the universities, … Continued
19. January 2024

UPJŠ helps businesses and organizations in the EDIH Cassovium consortium

Kick-off podujatie s názvom DigITally Yours prinieslo dôležité informácie o tom, ako môžu malé a stredné podniky a verejné organizácie začať svoju cestu digitálnej transformácie a zlepšiť tak svoje podnikanie a konkurencieschopnosť. Konzorcium EDIH Cassovium záujemcom odprezentovalo svoje služby a inovatívne riešenia. Podujatie otvorili významní hostia z Košického a Prešovského kraja, mesta Košice, mesta Prešov, … Continued

Our student is a winner of the Student Personality of Slovakia competition

On 14 December 2023, the winners of the “Student Personality of Slovakia” competition for the academic year 2022/2023 were announced. The event is organised annually by the civic association JCI – Slovakia (Junior Chamber International – Slovakia) under the auspices of H.E. President Zuzana Čaputová and under the professional guarantee of the Slovak Rectors’ Conference … Continued
10. January 2024


UPJŠ as a partner of the EDIH CASSOVIUM consortium has established an office at UPJŠ in Košice, Šrobárova 2. Our service managers will be happy to assist you in selecting the appropriate service for the digital transformation of your business company or public sector organization at a personal meeting at the EDIH CASSOVIUM office. More … Continued
19. December 2023

UPJŠ senior management has two new members

Rector of UPJŠ in Košice, Professor Daniel Pella, entrusted the agenda for the area of interdisciplinary education and innovations to Assoc. Prof. Renáta Orosová, and for the area of quality of education to Professor Jaroslav Hofierka. Rector´s proposals for their appointment were discussed at the meeting of the UPJŠ Academic Senate on 23 November 2023. … Continued

University of P. J. Šafárik and University Hospital of L. Pasteur wrapped a lot of love in almost 100 boxes for seniors

It is already the second year that our university in cooperation with the University Hospital of L. Pasteur Košice joined the nationwide “How much love fits in a shoebox” project organized by the civic association called How Much Love.  Almost 100 jointly packed shoeboxes were handed over to the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice … Continued
8. December 2023

Ambassador of Italy to Slovakia, H.E. Catherine Flumiani, visited UPJŠ

On 27 November 2023, the representatives of the university management and the management of the Faculty of Arts received H.E. Catherine Flumiani, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Slovakia, at the Rector’s Office of UPJŠ in Košice. Apart from other topics, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Slávka Tomaščíková, and the Dean of the … Continued
28. November 2023

Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (SR UPJŠ) took place today, 24 November 2023. Apart from the members of the Board, the meeting was attended by the UPJŠ Rector, Professor Daniel Pella, the UPJŠ Quaestor, Ivan Pezlar, and the Chairwoman of the UPJŠ Academic Senate, Professor Jana … Continued
24. November 2023

Study at UPJŠ