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The new management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) inaugurated the academic year 2023/2024 on Monday, 18 September at 10:30 a.m. in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine at UPJŠ in Košice.

The programme began with a ceremonial speech by the Rector of UPJŠ Prof. MUDr. Daniel Pella, PhD. New professors, associate professors and holders of scientific qualifications at level IIa and the scientific degree of Doctor of Biophysical Sciences were introduced, whose qualification process has contributed to increasing the base of expertise at the University. During the opening ceremony, the Rector’s Awards are awarded annually in several categories. This year, selected members and collectives of the academic community of the University were awarded for significant contributions by teachers and scientists in science and research, for significant contributions of PhD students in scientific research activities, for significant media activities, for exceptional contributions in higher or further education. For the first time in the history of UPJŠ, the Faiga Senderovitch Prize was awarded for a thesis contributing to the fight against anti-Semitism, distortion of the Holocaust and right-wing extremism.

“UPJŠ in Košice is one of the most successful universities in the Slovak Republic, and in several rankings we are in the leading positions among Slovak universities. The success of the University lies in the fulfilment of its historical mission – education and preparation of new graduates who are very well able to find employment on the labour market at home and abroad. We can fulfil this mission only because of the quality work of experienced teachers and scientists, who need to be provided with the best possible conditions for development and innovation in research and also in the teaching process. This is the only way that will we be able not only to consolidate the existing character of UPJŠ, but also to achieve an increase in quality by creating an exceptional environment full of modern trends and technologies in science, research and education,” stated the Rector of UPJŠ prof. Pella.

The last item of the ceremonial program was the Discussion Forum of Professors, which began at 3 p.m. in the Historical Hall in the building of the UPJŠ Rectorate in Košice. The Chair of the Council for Internal Quality Verification of UPJŠ in Košice, prof. Ing. Mária Mareková, CSc. reported the most important information and answered questions on the current topic of the Internal System of Quality Assurance and Verification at UPJŠ in connection with the ongoing visit of the working group of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (SAAHE) for the purpose of assessing this system, which will last until 28 September 2023.

Study at UPJŠ