To Academic Community
of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
The UPJŠ Academic Senate (UPJŠ AS), by its resolution of 20 October 2022, has announced the election of a candidate for the rector of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice
on 20 April 2023
in the UPJŠ Historical Auditorium.
The election of the candidate for the rector of UPJŠ will take place at a general election assembly, which will be held after the public hearing of the candidates for the rector of UPJŠ.
At its meeting on 24 March 2023, the UPJŠ AS Electoral and Mandate Commission registered the following valid nominations of candidates for the rector of UPJŠ
(in alphabetical order):
- prof. MUDr. Daniel Pella, PhD.
- prof. RNDr. Pavol Sovák, CSc.
Dear Academic Community of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice,
we invite you to the public hearing of the candidates for the rector of UPJŠ, which will take place
on 20 Apríl 2023 at 1 p.m.
at the RB0A5 (M5) Auditorium, RB Pavilion, Šrobárova 2, Košice.
- Opening
- Speeches of the candidates for the rector of UPJŠ
- Discussion
- Conclusion
Košice, 24 March 2023
doc. Ing. Jaroslav Majerník, PhD., m. p.
UPJŠ AS EMC Chairman
prof. MUDr. Jana Kaťuchová, PhD., MBA, m. p.
UPJŠ AS Chairwoman