Dear students and employees of our university, you have a unique opportunity to express your opinions and level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the questionnaire that is carried out annually at UPJŠ. Are you satisfied with the quality of teaching? Staff, would you welcome more training courses? We want to hear all about this and help you.
Fill in the anonymous questionnaire in AiS2 by 25.10.2023 and show that you care about UPJŠ.
Partly because of the answers to past questionnaires, a new regulation on the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman and the Institution of Confidential Persons was promulgated at UPJŠ. Soon, students and staff will have a unique opportunity to turn to a mediator and to persons who will listen to them and advise them in difficult situations.
Answering the questionnaires is definitely worth it. All results are regularly published on the website in Slovak and English.
And if you are worried that the questionnaires in AiS2 are not anonymous, believe us. The answers are untraceable as AiS2 anonymizes the answers. What does this mean? The link between the logged-in person to the AiS2 questionnaire tables is immediately deleted after the submission of the answers, which irretrievably removes the information on who submitted each answer. What remains is separate information about respondents and responses. Thus, the system cannot retrospectively identify which of the responses was submitted by which student or employee.

But why do you have to be logged in to AiS2? This is how it is ensured that the student or employee can fill in the questionnaire no more than once and thereby the answers are not distorted by people repeatedly filling in the questionnaire. The advantage for the students is the fact that this is the only way AiS2 enables them to evaluate their own modules and teachers, without enabling them to evaluate teaching that they did not undergo.
Use your right to express yourself freely and complete the questionnaire in AiS2 today.