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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University received accreditation according to new standards

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On 20 June 2024 the decision that the internal quality system of the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice is in compliance with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency (SAAVŠ) came into force, thus UPJŠ has reached a significant milestone in its history. Accreditation is an official recognition of the quality of the educational process and the institution as a whole. The accreditation process involved a thorough evaluation of various aspects of the university, including the quality of teaching, qualifications of lecturers, research activities, infrastructure and services provided to students.

Achieving accreditation is the result of the hard work and commitment of the university management, faculties, lecturers and all staff. Professor Daniel Pella, MD, PhD, Rector of the University, expressed his satisfaction in this achievement: This accreditation is a proof of our continuous efforts to improve the quality of education and research. We are committed to continuing our mission to provide students with the best possible education, an inspiring environment and quality support services.”

The process of curriculum alignment included the creation of an internal evaluation report of the university, on the basis of which UPJŠ was assessed by an independent working panel of experts of the Slovak Accreditation Agency in September 2023. The assessors visited the university in person, met with the management, teachers and students, and examined various aspects of its functioning. On the basis of their findings, they issued a recommendation to grant the rights to create, conduct and modify study programmes in the fields of study that are implemented at UPJŠ.

P. J. Šafárik University in Košice is one of the leading universities in Slovakia with a long tradition and a wide range of study programmes in fields such as medicine, natural sciences, law and social sciences. We believe that the positive opinion of SAAVŠ on our internal quality system will strengthen our position not only in Slovakia, but also internationally. The University plans to continue its development and implement further innovations in the educational process and research activities. “This success motivates us to further improve and fulfil our long-term goal,” added Rector Pella.

Evaluation report of the internal quality assurance system of higher education at UPJŠ in Košice

Study at UPJŠ