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UPJŠ hosted the State Secretary of the Ministry of Educationv

1minút, 19sekúnd

The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) was visited on 13 June 2024 by a delegation of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (MŠVaM SR). During the visit, the representatives of the Ministry had discussions with the UPJŠ management and toured the Centre for Simulation and Virtual Medicine at the UPJŠ Faculty of Medicine. 

Shortly in the afternoon, the UPJŠ Rector, professor Daniel Pella, PhD., and Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Investments, professor Pavol Jarčuška, PhD., received the delegation of the Ministry of Education at the premises of UPJŠ Rectorate in Košice.

During the meeting, members of the UPJŠ management and deans of the faculties discussed with the State Secretary, Róbert Zsembera, the State Secretary, Ján Hrink, PhD. and other representatives of the Ministry the current topics in the field of higher education, the possibilities of development projects for universities aimed at the reconstruction and modernization of university campuses, including student housing, the possibility of state subsidies for students not studying in the state language, or simplification of public procurement processes in the academic sector according to the examples of foreign practice, especially in the case of research projects.

At the Centre for Simulator and Virtual Medicine, the Secretary of State’s delegation was welcomed and accompanied by the Head of the Centre, Jakub Jánošík. The representatives of the Ministry had the opportunity to see the simulators used for teaching and virtual technologies, which play an irreplaceable role in the education of students of the UPJŠ Faculty of Medicine.

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