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The Spring School for Doctoral Students celebrated its first jubilee

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On 4 – 7 June 2024, the 10th year of the Spring School for Doctoral Students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice took place in the Academia Congress Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Stará Lesná f. A total of 47 doctoral students from all faculties of the University participated at this event. Over the course of three days, 23 PhD students in the section of medical and natural sciences and 24 PhD students in the section of social sciences and humanities presented their research and the results of their scientific work. The outcome of the Spring School for Doctoral Students is a collection of scientific papers of the participating PhD students of UPJŠ, whose editor is the Vice-Rector for Academic Qualifications and Doctoral Studies, professor Monika Halánová, PhD.

The Spring School for Doctoral Students is a traditional event organised by the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, which helps to improve the quality of preparation of doctoral students in social sciences, humanities, medical and natural sciences. The aim of the event is to deepen the aspect of interdisciplinarity, mutual information and increase the level of doctoral education reflecting international trends. The Spring School for Doctoral Students has often been the impetus for establishing contacts leading to the formation of young interdisciplinary teams. “The Spring School for Doctoral Students at UPJŠ creates a platform for joint meeting of doctoral students from different disciplines and exchange of knowledge and experience. Our doctoral students have proved that they can fully present the results of their scientific research not only at home, but I believe that in the future also abroad. Within the programme there were also 5 plenary lectures by experts, which were mainly focused on debunking myths and hoaxes, which our society is confronted with more and more,” said Vice-Rector Halánová.

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