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Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia

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The twentieth annual Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia will take place from 6 to 12 November 2023. The event is organized annually by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (MŠVVaŠ SR), in cooperation with the Centre of Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic (SCSTI SR) and the National Centre for the Popularization of Science and Technology in Society (NCP VaT).

The aim of the Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia is to popularize science and technology, inform the public about current knowledge and the potential of Slovak science, arouse young people’s interest in studying scientific and technical courses and support science and technology, which are the basis of economic and social progress and the basis for solving global problems and challenges.
The Slovak Republic has a strong scientific potential, which it must use in order for it to become our competitive advantage. It is important for the general public to perceive lifelong learning, research, development and innovation as positive factors for development, as processes that move our knowledge and the development of society further. That is why during this week, teachers, technicians and scientists from all over Slovakia will present their work and the results of their research to the general public in an interesting and simple way.

UPJŠ in Košice regularly participates in the programme within the Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia. This year, various interesting activities have been prepared by the Faculties of Public Administration, Medicine, Natural Sciences and Law.

We cordially invite all students, interested persons and enthusiasts to the:

Faculty of Medicine

The role of cells in regenerative medicine
WHEN? 6.11.2023 from 8.00 to 12.00 /at hourly intervals
WHERE? Associated Tissue Bank, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ, Trieda SNP 1, Košice
The Associated Tissue Bank is a scientific research workplace examining regenerative medicine. During a tour of the bank, visitors will become acquainted with the procedures and methods used in tissue processing, cell isolation and the therapeutic use of cells in modelling degenerative diseases under in vitro conditions.

Faculty of Science

New archaeological discoveries to the west of the village of Valaliky near Košice
WHEN? 8.11.2023 from 10.00 to 11.00
WHERE? Institute of Geography (room SJ2L45), Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, Jesenná 5, Košice
The main topic of the lecture will be selected archaeological discoveries found during the construction of the industrial park in Valaliky near Košice. Archaeological discoveries, methods and the research itself will also be presented. The event is co-organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution, Nitra.

Autumn CyberSecurityDay 2023
WHEN? 11.11.2023 from 8.30. to 14.00
WHERE? Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, Jesenná 5, Košice
Practical workshops based on real experience in addressing computer security incidents. An opportunity to talk to people who work professionally with information security and cybersecurity, to meet new people and to compete for interesting prizes. The workshop is co-organized by ESET, spol. s.r.o., Košice IT Valley

Faculty of Public Administration

The influence of Euromyths and fake news on (non-)participation
WHEN? 6.11.2023 from 11.40 to 13.10
WHERE? Faculty of Public Administration, UPJŠ, Popradská 66, Košice
The ambition of the workshop is to draw attention to the analysis of the impact of Euromyths and fake news on possible motivation/demotivation to be an active citizen. The aim of the event is to identify the manifestations of both mentioned phenomena using concrete examples and then compare their impact on civil society

The role of scientists, educators and students in societal change in 1989 and today
WHEN? 7.11.2023 from 13.30 to 15.00.
WHERE? Faculty of Public Administration, UPJŠ, Popradská 66, Košice
The guest of the event is RNDr. Pavol Demeš, CSc. former Minister of International Relations of the Slovak Republic and advisor to the first Slovak President, co-founder of SAIA, political analyst and civic activist. The topic of the lecture and subsequent discussion is connected with the Week of Science and Technology, but also with the context of November 17 (Revolution Day) focusing on the role of scientists, educators and students in the struggle for democratic values during social change in 1989 and today.

Faculty of Law

Under the auspices of the Week of Science and Technology, the Faculty of Law at UPJŠ organized a scientific conference entitled Current Issues of Private Law in the Digital Age, which took place from 19 – 20 October 2023 in the premises of the faculty at Kováčská 26, and an international scientific symposium entitled LEGAL-COMMERCIAL-ECONOMICS XII., which took place from 25 to 27/10/2023 at Kováčská 26 in Košice. The aim of the conference was to present and confront the theoretical and practical experience of participants with the implementation of European digital legislation regarding private law. The conference took place within the project VEGA 1/0431/23 Competition of interests of consumers and traders in the supply of digital content and digital services in the Digital Single Market with an emphasis on legal and economic aspects. The aim of the symposium was to present original opinions, reflections, knowledge, and also the results of scientific research activities in connection with the grant projects: APVV-19-0424 Innovative Business Company: Intra-corporate Transformations, Digital Challenges and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence and APVV-21-0336 Analysis of court decisions by artificial intelligence methods and creating space for wider discussion and informal meetings.

More information about the Week of Science and Technology

We look forward to your participation and wish you an enriching experience.

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