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Rare visit from the European Academy in Vienna

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On Friday, 6 October 2023, between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., we welcomed a rare visit from the European Academy in Vienna to UPJŠ. The Vice-Rector for International Relations Dr. h. c. prof. Mgr. Slávka Tomaščíková, PhD. and the Vice-Rector for Internationalization doc. Ing. Silvia Ručinská, PhD. received 24 guests from Austria at UPJŠ in the Small Congress Centre in the Socrates building at the Faculty of Arts of UPJŠ.

After Vice-Rector Tomaščíková welcomed our guests to the university, Vice-Rector Ručinská presented our university. The Director of the UPJŠ University Counselling Centre (UNIPOC) Mgr. Veronika Zibrinyiová, PhD. informed our guests about its activities and its importance to our students. The programme continued with a tour of the Austrian Library accompanied by the Director of the UPJŠ University Library, PhDr. Daniela Džuganová. This was followed by a tour of the university café and the headquarters of UNIPOC in the Minerva building and a tour of the historical building of the UPJŠ Rectorate accompanied by Vice-Rector Tomaščíková.

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