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UPJŠ has taken an important step to increase the success of researchers in European project schemes

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In 2016, the European Research Council (ERC) launched an initiative called “Fellowships to Visit the ERC Grantee“. It aims to encourage the participation and increase the success of researchers from those EU countries that are significantly under-represented in ERC calls.

The ERC has recommended that national and / or regional authorities and organizations set up programs to support the stays of potential applicants for ERC grants with ERC project promoters and their teams. Such programs will enable selected candidates to strengthen their research profile and improve the preparation of their own future project in an internationally competitive environment before applying for an ERC grant.

The aim of the program “SAS-UPJS ERC Visiting Fellowship Grants“, which is part of the ERC initiative, is to support and strengthen the participation of scientists from SAS organizations and Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) in ERC calls, to provide them with the opportunity to projects and their teams, the experience and skills needed for quality project preparation and management. Program should bring a higher number of applications for ERC grants from SAS and UPJŠ, their higher quality and consequently higher success rate.


More information about the program and the next project call soon will be published soon.

Study at UPJŠ