The habilitation and inauguration procedure is a process in which Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice decides to award the scientific-pedagogical title of associate professor and professor to applicants who meet the requirements set by the Higher Education Act and the criteria for obtaining scientific-pedagogical titles and artistic-pedagogical titles of associate professor and a professor at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, which are in accordance with the standards for the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointing professors of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education. Any candidate who meets these requirements and criteria may apply to initiate a habilitation procedure or an inaugural procedure.
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice has the right to conduct habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of professors in the following fields of habilitation and inauguration proceedings.
The development, assurance and monitoring of the quality of the habilitation and inauguration proceedings are guaranteed by the Council for Verifying the Quality of the habilitation and inauguration proceedings consisting of a group of at least five persons working at UPJŠ for the established weekly working hours and scientifically or artistically or in a related field. At least two of these persons are professors and professorships, others are associate professors and professorships.
Rules and proceedings of the habilitation and inauguration procedure
The rules and proceedings of the habilitation and inauguration procedure adopted by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice guarantee transparency and openness of the procedure under the same conditions for all applicants, guarantee objective, professionally founded, consistent and unambiguous verification of compliance inauguration commissions and opponents in habilitation and inauguration procedure at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The basic credo of UPJŠ is reflected in the Statute of UPJŠ and the Code of Ethics, while these are closely linked to the Principles of Good Practice of Scientific Publishing and the Rules of Assessment of Plagiarism and the Principles of Good Research Practice at UPJŠ in Košice.
In order to fill the positions of associate professor or professor in the defined field of education and defined field of science at individual parts of the university, general criteria for filling the position of professor or associate professor are developed as well as specific conditions for filling professors’ positions in individual fields of study.
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice maintains the tradition of the ceremonial presentation of newly appointed professors and the handing over of appointment decrees to new associate professors on the occasion of the ceremonial opening of the new academic year.
Honorary title of doctor honoris causa, professor emeritus and visiting professor
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice awards the honorary title of doctor honoris causa to personalities who, through their life’s work, have significantly contributed to the spread of ideas of humanism, democracy and understanding among nations in education, science, art or politics. , in which he/she works and has also contributed to the development of science and education.
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University also awards the honorary academic title of Professor Emeritus to professors over the age of 70 for significant contributions in science and education, and visiting professor to prominent and respected national or foreign personalities and experts during their work at UPJŠ.
List of documents
- Postup získavania vedecko-pedagogických titulov a umelecko-pedagogických titulov docent a profesor na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
- Kritériá na získanie vedecko-pedagogických titulov a umelecko-pedagogických titulov docent a profesor na UPJŠ
- General criteria for filling the positions of professors and associate professors at UPJŠ:
• Faculty of Medicine
• Faculty of Science
• Faculty of Law
• Faculty of Public Administration
• Faculty of Arts
• Institute of Physical Education and Sports - Rozhodnutie rektora o určení obsahu habilitačného spisu na UPJŠ (platné od 1.9.2021)
- Rozdhodnutie rektora o určení obsahu inauguračného spisu na UPJŠ (platné od 1.9.2021)
- Kritériá výberu členov habilitačných a inauguračných komisií a oponentov v habilitačných a inauguračných konaniach na UPJŠ
- Rector’s decision no. 5/2021, issuing the principles of good practice in scientific publication at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Rector’s Decision no. 2/2022, determining the principles of good research practice at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and its parts
- Pravidlá pre udeľovanie čestného titulu „Doctor honoris causa“
- Kritériá pre obsadzovanie funkcií hosťujúci profesor na UPJŠ
- Pravidlá pre udeľovanie Zlatej medaily UPJŠ a Striebornej medaily UPJŠ