About us
The International Relations and Internationalisation Office deals with several agendas related to the international activities of UPJŠ, such as Erasmus+, Aurora Alliance, HRS4R, development projects, collaboration with ranking agencies, and more.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at zahrodd@upjs.sk.
Aurora International Peace Conference
Visiting University in Sassari
Erasmus+ Call 2024/2025
Our Activities
Erasmus+ Information Meeting
On Thusday, April 18, 2024, the International Relations Office of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in … Continued
Intercultural Communication Course Fosters Global Understanding
In the summer semester of 2023/2024, the International Relations Office organized its renowned Intercultural Communication … Continued
Introductory Erasmus+ Meeting
During an introductory meeting organised by the UPJS International Relations Office, we welcomed a group of … Continued
Erasmus+ at Open House event
Apart from acquiring top-education, students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice are able to … Continued
Mgr. Veronika Petruňová
Coordinator for Erasmus+ KA171, inter-institutional agreements, and Free Movers
Mgr. Filip Šimko, PhD.
Coordinator for incoming students and trainees
Web and social media administrator
Mgr. Jakub Paľovčík
Coordinator for short-term mobilities (study, traineeships, ZIP) and incoming staff mobilities
Social media administrator
Mgr. Miroslava Paľovčík Navrátilová
Coordinator for long-term outgoing students –
traineeships and Erasmus Student Network
Where can you find us
The Rectorate, ground floor, door no. 6 and door no. 17
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday: 12.00 – 15.00
Thursday, Friday: 8.00 – 11.00
If you need to visit the IRO outside of office hours, please, make an appointment in advance.