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PhD Studies

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Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies
prof. PhDr. Marián Andričík, PhD.
✆ +421 55 234 7189; +421 918 923 063

PhD Study Office:
Mgr. Gabriela Onušková, PhD.
✆ +421 55 234 7116


  • DIRECTIVE No. 1 /2011 on Essential Prerequisites of Final Theses, Doctorate Degree Theses, and Associate Professorship Degree Theses, Release and Making Available Thereof During the Time of Keeping the Same, and Originality Check Valid for Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Its Constituents.
    Amendment No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4
    Final thesis template (.dotx)

Study at UPJŠ